Book your personal foot care treatment today and receive your complimentary foot health assessment.
Foot Care Services
Many people develop problems with their feet that require specialized medical attention. Corns, calluses, Athlete’s Foot, and thickened or fungal nails are some common conditions.
At North Shore Foot Care, your professional foot care nurse provides:​
A complete foot health assessment
Nail trimming and filing
Corn and callus reduction
Prevention and management of ingrown nails
Reduction of thickened or fungal nails
Lower leg and foot massage
Client education and prevention of foot complications
Regular foot care is important in maintaining foot health and in preventing complications from developing. Your foot care nurse will provide you with the education you need to properly care for your feet and will provide you with referrals should you need further medical treatments and support.
During a visit to your home or community, a qualified nurse will assess your feet, provide a non-invasive foot care treatment, a moisturizing foot massage, and give you information about additional supports in your community. A basic foot care session is approximately 30 - 45 minutes. Your first session includes a complimentary foot health assessment. Please allow up to 1 hour and 15 min for your first foot care visit.
For optimal foot health it’s recommended to have foot care treatments every 6 to 8 weeks.​